Our Services

We offer a complete design service which mixes your brief with our creative vision to make the very best of your home. 

We are here to support you throughout your renovation journey, and take care of everything including placing orders, organising tradespeople and managing installation down to the last details, including accessories and styling.

Get in touch

Design & Installation

We take care of everything from initial concept through to completing the final details

Design & Installation
We take all your hopes and dreams for your home, add in our creative vision, and turn it all into a master plan which makes the most of your space and the way you want to live. Our service can include full space planning, scale drawings and elevations, bespoke furniture design, lighting design, kitchen and bathroom design, bespoke carpentry, colour schemes, window and flooring treatments, and furniture, finish and accessories sourcing. We provide everything you need to get your project over the finish line. From bringing in decorators to the installation of bespoke items such as curtains or carpentry, we coordinate all the details for you. We place orders, organise deliveries, and handle any issues which arise.

Our other services

Renovation Plan Review

We help you plan before you begin your renovation

Renovation Plan Review
If you are planning an extension or renovation of your home, this service is perfect for you. We'll go over your plans to make sure you'll get the best from your home, before you spend a single penny on construction. Save Time - Get it right the first time. No asking your builder to move a radiator after your new flooring has been laid Save Money - No wasted expenditure on building work which isn’t necessary or doesn’t give you the results you want Save Stress - A well thought through set of plans will make your renovation run more smoothly, with fewer changes along the way

Design Consultation

Receive our expert design recommendations and unleash the possibilities in your home

Design Consultation
Up to two hours to talk through your ideas, hopes and dreams for your project. Together we'll discuss budgets, space planning, colour schemes and styles. We'll discover your interiors taste and give you creative, professional advice on making changes to your home or commercial space. Our design consultation provides a solid foundation for your renovation journey, and can be used as a stand alone service to help you make some decisions about your home, or the first step in working with us on a full project to create your dream home. Choose from either an online or a face to face consultation.

Colour Consultation

We'll help you confidently choose the perfect colours for your home

Colour Consultation
We understand how colour can affect our mood and energy. Our colour consultation gives you time to sit down with an experienced professional to help guide you through the process of choosing colours for your home. We look at the natural and electric lighting in your rooms, ask questions about your lifestyle and how you use the rooms, and consider the existing pieces in your spaces. We explore how you feel about colour and your colour preferences before helping you come up with schemes which are beautiful and practical. This 2 hour meeting is suitable for choosing colours for up to three rooms.
The footprint of our extension was not ideal and, once we'd found a builder, we had a sudden panic that we'd spend a lot of money extending to only end up with lots of 'dead' space! Because of that, we found Louise and her renovation plan review service. Louise listened very carefully to our requirements and not only fitted in everything we wanted, but managed to actually exceed what we thought was possible with the space. We're delighted with how it has turned out

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